Spill Berm Choosing - Secondary Containment News -Ultratech Spill Containment Berms , Justrite, Eagle, Husky
Sarasota, FL — Interstate Products Inc.(IPI) continues to expand our spill containment berm product line with additional manufacturers; now offering Ultratech, Justrite, Eagle and IPI Specialty Containment Berms models. IPI has also revamped its spill containment website by expanding the portable and secondary spill containment berms line while adding modular spill containment products. These berm products help clients meet EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Container Storage Regulation 40 CFR 264.175 and SPCC (Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure) requirements.
IPI can help you choose your berm and now carries more spill berms than ever. UltraTech Self Raising portable containment berm, Ultimate Berms, Gorilla Modular Tanker and Truck Fuel Spill Containment Berms and Collapsible Spill Berms; Justrite Quick and Rigid Lock/ No Loose Parts Spill Berms; Eagle Manufacturing , Foam wall and Talon Containment Berms;and Interstate Brand Portable L Bracket, Wire Angle Berms and Foam Wall Containment Berms. Further, IPI provides new Duck Pond Mini Spill Berms for Secondary Containment applications of all kinds.
These collapsible portable secondary containment models are for the containment of GEN sets, truck, generator, equipment, transformer, tank, tanker, tote, drum, or any type of primary containment or application where spills can occur. These containment berms come in 2’ x 2’ to 50’ x 125’ sizes and in a number of containment wall heights. Various fabrics are used for compatibility by application including water, oil, fuel and many other chemicals and acids.
There are several portable containment berm models with no loose parts and other berms where brackets are inserted or alternative means of containment wall construction are engineered. Regardless if you need an economical temporary berm solution or a more advanced model, Interstate is the collapsible, portable spill berm supplier that can ship from many locations in the U.S. from brand and trusted suppliers at everyday value pricing.
IPI L-Bracket Spill Containment Berms provide space saving portable spill containment when and where you need it most.
Our #1 Best Selling Berm offers superior XR-5 material and workmanship. The walls are supported by a sturdy "L" bracket frame construction that deploys quickly and is excellent for long or short term use.• *TEN Year Limited Warranty • Custom Size Berms • No Custom Prices • Up to 24" in height. Great for a tank but works well with truck and tanker, HEMTT, Military Equipment and many other secondary containment applications as well.
Drive Over Spill Berms from multiple manufactures including UltraTech, Eagle Talon & IPI Brands. Drive Through Truck and Tanker Models include secondary containment berms with exit and entry walls so that a HEMTT fuel truck or tanker may drive in and out without having to manually lower the walls. If you will be using drive through model frequently, this portable drive thru spill berm is ideal. We do have several other drive thru options. https://store.interstateproducts.com/products/Dri...
Rigid Lock Quick Berms Help meet EPA Regulations including SPCC containment and stormwater regulations. • Rigid-Lock Spill Berm is the fully collapsible berm with inside support technology which provides quick and easy deployment for drive-through, emergency, decontamination or preventative applications. This is great for tote, drum, truck and other applications.
Rigid Lock Quick spill berms have No loose parts & Single piece construction. https://store.interstateproducts.com/products/JUS...
Ultratech Containment Berm Models For Secondary containment are available in standard and custom sizes and many fabric options to choose from for reliable spill containment. The UltraTech Berm helps comply with
federal and local stormwater regulations, EPA Container Storage Regulation 40 CFR 264.175 and SPCC requirements. The standard containment berm material of construction is Copolymer 2000™. https://store.interstateproducts.com/products/Ult...
One Step Spill Berm
Spill Berms with no loose parts and quick set up, make the "One Step" portable spill containment berm an excellent choice for a wide variety of applications. Simply Unfold the Spill Berm & Lift Up The Walls - In Seconds. tank https://store.interstateproducts.com/products/One...
Modular Spill Berms
The Ultra containment modular hard walled system provides long term, high capacity spill containment.
* Modular wall sections and corners can be easily assembled to form almost any size/shape spill containment area needed.
* https://store.interstateproducts.com/products/Modular-Berms
About Us:
Since 1996, Interstate Products, Inc. has been a global multi-brand supplier of quality environmental, maintenance and safety product solutions to industrial, commercial, institutional, military and various government organizations. Since its inception, IPI has experienced tremendous growth fueled by our commitment to continuously add innovative new products to meet the demands of a rapidly expanding and diverse customer base. Our products include safety and containment products, truck and tanker equipment mats, flammable safety cabinets, absorbents, fuel spill containment berms, material handling equipment ad much more. In addition, IPI is also a leading provider of spill containment berms and flexible storage tanks that are available in both standard and custom sizes. Information about these and other quality products can be obtained by visiting our company website at https://store.interstateproducts.com/
For more information, please contact Interstate Products at 6561 Palmer Park Circle, Suite A
Sarasota, FL 34238 or call toll free1-800-474-7294 for domestic inquiries and 941-377-8610 if outside the United States. The company’s email address is [email protected]
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